Good Afternoon Blue Devils,
Please see important dates and information regarding the 2025 Spring sports season below:
Sports Offered:
Baseball- (Varsity, Junior Varsity, Modified)
Softball- (Varsity, Junior Varsity, Modified)
Boys Track- (Varsity, Modified)
Girls Track- (Varsity, Modified)
Boys Golf- Varsity
Girls Golf- Varsity
Boys Tennis- Varsity
Important Dates:
February 17th- Registration opens for JV/V Spring Sports open
March 1st- Registration opens for all Modified Sports
March 7th- Spring Sports Physicals at MS and HS (Please contact school nurse)
March 13th- A mandatory Player and parent/Guardian/Coach information meeting will occur in the Camden High School Auditorium at 6:00 PM. This meeting will provide information and expectations for the 2025 Spring Sports season.
Please Note: Following the Athletic Department meeting, coaches for all levels will hold mandatory team meetings AND OR Program. These meetings will contain specific information and expectations for each team/program.
March 17th- First day of JV/Varsity Sports
March 31st- First day for all Modified Sports
Sign-Up Information (FamilyID/Arbiter Sports Registration)
Students interested in signing up for a Winter sport must register on FamilyID and have an updated physical to participate. For those of you who are new to the process, here are the steps to register:
1) Create an account or log in with an existing account to continue.
(Family ID Registration Link)
2) Select the sport your student-athlete wants to play and fill out all the information on the page.
3) Once the parent/guardian has completed all of the information requested, the student will be registered.
Please contact the Athletic Department with any questions, and we will be happy to assist!
Josh Mazzaferro
Director of Athletics, Health, and Physical Education