Camden High School Counseling Office

55 Oswego Street
Camden, New York 13316
Phone (315) 245-3699
Fax (315) 245-4173
To Request a Transcript:
Call 315-245-3699
OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Friday from 7:30 AM - 3:15 PM
Emails/inquiries received after school hours will be answered the next business day
Mrs. Lisa Hilts, Office Assistant Click to email Mrs. Hilts
Mrs. Christine Kio, School Counselor for students A - K Click to email Mrs. Kio
Mrs. Tammy Kline, School Counselor for students L - Z Click to email Mrs. Kline
Mrs. Michelle Mellon, School Social Worker Click to email Mrs. Mellon
Mrs. Jennifer Stottlar, School Social Worker Click to email Mrs. Stottlar
Mrs. Teresa Stowell-Hollis, School Psychologist Click to email Mrs. Hollis