Good Afternoon Blue Devils,
We hope this message finds you well. We understand this has been a trying and upsetting week for many in our community, from clearing homes and businesses, to significant property damage and loss. As we continue to navigate the challenges posed by some potent winter weather, we want to take an opportunity to provide you with an update on the District’s response as we prepare to return to school on Monday.
Given the weather-related impacts across our community, we have paid careful attention throughout the week to monitoring the structural integrity of our school buildings for the safety of students and staff. We have had structural engineers and architects from our architectural firm, and a representative from the OHM BOCES Safety Office on-site at all District buildings to evaluate our roofs, entrances, and egress windows. These parties identified some areas of improvement to ensure the continued integrity of our buildings. We are happy to report the areas identified were addressed promptly and to their satisfaction.
Outside of our buildings, a large-scale effort throughout our community has been taking place to clear our parking lots, sidewalks, and roads. Our outstanding Buildings and Grounds and Custodial staff members have been removing snow on our premises with assistance from our towns and villages. Our dedicated transportation team has been taking the time to carefully evaluate the condition of our bus routes around the District. Public works and highway personnel from our local municipalities, Oneida County, and New York State have been working around the clock to clear our roads the best they can.
There may be delays with bussing tomorrow morning, but please rest assured our students will get to school.
The support we have received from our towns, villages, county, state, our elected officials, employees, community members and local and regional businesses has been tremendous throughout the week. We are truly grateful for everything they have done.
The District stands ready to support our community in any way it can during this challenging time. We are looking forward to seeing everyone at school on Monday.
Jason P. Evangelist
Interim Superintendent of Schools
Camden Central School District