Reminder for all interested in participating in Spring Sports: A mandatory Player and Parent/Guardian information meeting will occur this evening (Thursday, March 13th) in the Camden High School Auditorium at 6:00 PM. This meeting is for all levels, and will provide information and expectations for the 2025 Spring Sports season. Joseph Morotti will be our guest speaker for the evening. Joe has 37 years of teaching and coaching experience and works with Daneli Partners, working with schools and businesses to build and improve leadership. Please Note: Following the Athletic Department meeting, coaches for all levels will hold mandatory team/program meetings. These meetings will contain specific information and expectations for each team/program.
about 10 hours ago, Public Relations
The Camden Central School District Board of Education has approved the following academic calendar for the 2025-26 school year. The calendar is accessible at any time at this URL:
about 12 hours ago, Public Relations
2025-26 Student Calendar
Friendly reminder in case you need it: There is no student attendance on Friday, March 14th for a Superintendent's Conference Day. We look forward to sharing some of the professional development activities happening tomorrow.
about 13 hours ago, Public Relations
Superintendent's Conference Day
Congratulations to Ella Lynch on achieving second team all-star honors in the Tri-Valley League Pioneer Division for girls' basketball! More details are on their way to soon!
1 day ago, Public Relations
Ella Lynch
On Thursday, March 13th, the Connected Community Schools team will be hosting another Open Hub event at Camden High School! Come see what the Connected Community Schools experience is all about, learn what the organization can offer our students and families, and pick up some essential items! Contact information for the team is included in the flyer!
1 day ago, Public Relations
March Open Hub
To get a show on stage, it takes a team. Pick up a program at any of our shows, and you'll see the immense amount of teamwork it takes to give our kids the chance to shine. At our most recent CHS production, "Mamma Mia!", our co-directors took on a pretty intense workload to get the show going. Amanda Hughes, our music director, drives the pit orchestra and teaches the actors the songs to make the show shine. Our dramatics director, Kim Bird, brought the script to life and implements much of what you see on stage from our actors, with a major hand in presentation and choreography. And dozens of others work with our students on stage and behind the scenes to bring the entire vision to reality. Hughes will be working with Stephanie Heath and a crew that features many of the same dedicated people to bring you their upcoming spring drama production "A Midsummer Night's Dream" on May 9th and 10th. Want to know more about the teams behind our plays and musicals, or re-live your own CHS memories on the stage? We are getting started on a new program archive to put all of the information on your favorite CHS shows from years' past in one location. You'll find the program from Mamma Mia! in there now, and we'll add more as we find them, as far back as we can go. Once we've exhausted our supplies, we'll gladly open up the floor for submissions at a later date. We will also look into doing Middle School ones down the line.
2 days ago, Public Relations
Mamma Mia
Mamma Mia
Beverly Hilbillies
Stephanie and Amanda
Little Women
Little Shop of Horrors
Mamma Mia
The Odyssey of the Mind teams from CMS and CHS are your 2025 Region 21 Champions for the problem entitled "AstronOMical Odyssey"!
3 days ago, Public Relations
Regional Champions
Regional Champions
6 days ago, Public Relations
Kelsi Barok -  Honorable Mention
Hailey Gladle - First Team
Olivia Hooker - Honorable Mention All-Star
Julia Holmes - Second Team All-Star
March is Music in Our Schools Month, and this will be a special one as the National Association for Music Education ( celebrates MIOSM for its 40th year! Per NAFME, the purpose of MIOSM is to raise awareness of the importance of music education for all children—and to remind citizens that school is where all children should have access to music. MIOSM is an opportunity for music teachers to bring their music programs to the attention of the school and the community, and to display the value that school music brings to students of all ages. For us in Camden, that means concerts for Middle and High School students! We hope to see you at one or more of them this month to support our students!
6 days ago, Public Relations
Music in our Schools Month
Is your student in grades 7-12 looking to explore a new sport, or build on existing skills this spring? Our golf and boys' tennis programs are seeking new athletes!!! Register: General inquiries can be directed to the Athletic Department. Middle School athletes looking to play varsity should see Mr. Klatt for more info.
7 days ago, Public Relations
Athletes Wanted!!!
CHS senior Sydney Matthews was busy during the weekend of February 28th and March 1st, to say the least! Between three performances of the CHS Musical, "Mamma Mia!", Matthews had to change into an entirely different character on Saturday morning as she participated in the 37th Annual Regional Shakespeare Competition at Syracuse Stage! She earned this opportunity as the champion of the annual CHS Shakespeare Competition held earlier this year. Performing amidst a field of numerous incredible student performers, Sydney did a remarkable job with her portrayal of Queen Margaret from Richard the III and her performance of Sonnet 130. This year, she has also amassed some other impressive performing arts credits including appearances in the Area All-State Choir, and the MCMEA Winter All-County Choir. Way to go Sydney!
9 days ago, Public Relations
Sydney Matthews
The Camden High School Business Department is proud to announce that Xenia Kirby is their Business Department "Employee of the Month" award winner! Xenia has taken multiple business classes including Web Page Design, MVCC CAPPS and MVCC Spreadsheet Applications. She has also met the criteria for the Business and Marketing Honor Society for which she is currently a member. Xenia displays many employability skills in our business classes including reliability, positive work ethic and teamwork. She serves as a role model for other students in the Business Department. For the reasons above and many others we are proud to present her with this honor.
9 days ago, Public Relations
Xenia Kirby
Today, a group of students accompanied Mrs.Libertella and Mrs.Dean to the 3rd Annual STEAM Women Rising Symposium! This free program is presented by the Project Fibonacci Foundation, and is held at the Beeches Manor in Rome. The event features presentations and networking opportunities for students with several successful women in STEAM fields, including a keynote address by world-renowned survivalist Melanie Sawyer!
10 days ago, Public Relations
STEAM Rising Symposium
Miss last night's performance? Want us to "Gimme Gimme Gimme" you some good news? We've got some. There are two more shows on Saturday, 3/1! Join us at the 2 PM matinee, or the 7:30 PM final performance. Whether you've seen the show on Broadway, watched the movie a few dozen times, have never seen Mamma Mia! before, or saw it for the first time last night, you are sure to have the time of your life! Come watch these scenes, one of which involves Dancing Queen!
13 days ago, Public Relations
Mamma Mia
That's a wrap for opening night. What a show!
13 days ago, Public Relations
Night One
Camden High School Students participating in the Syracuse University Project Advance program had the opportunity to tour the Ernest Stevenson Bird Library at SU. During their time there, they participated in a VR Experience and learned about properly citing sources in scholarly papers!
13 days ago, Public Relations
Students at Bird Library
Students participating in a VR Experience
The Camden Unified Bowling team is on the lanes for its 2025 season! Come see the Blue Devils in action on Monday or Wednesday the next two weeks at King Pin Lanes in Rome! Organized in conjunction with the New York State Public High School Athletic Association and Special Olympics New York, the Unified Sports program, which includes bowling, provides an accessible and inclusive sports participation experience for students with disabilities, where they participate alongside other students with and without disabilities.
13 days ago, Public Relations
Unified Bowling
Unified Bowling
Unified Bowling
Unified Bowling
It's here! Opening Night is tonight!!! The curtain will go up at 7 PM. Admission is free. Please arrive early, as we expect very good attendance this evening.
14 days ago, Public Relations
Show Day