Welcome to the Committee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE)
55 Oswego St.
Camden, NY 13316
Phone: 315-245-3410
Fax: 315-245-4625
The Preschool Special Education Department facilitates evaluations and services for 3-5 year old children who are eligible under New York State regulations. Our goal is to support the development of children who exhibit developmental delays in cognitive, speech, language, adaptive, social, emotional or motor development.
If concerns are present, please contact our office.
For more information, visit the below links:
New York State Preschool Brochure: http://www.p12.nysed.gov/specialed/publications/preschool/brochure.htm
Central Early Childhood Direction Center: https://www.rcil.com/ECDC?action=details¶m=early-childhood-direction-center-of-cent
New York State Procedural Safeguards: http://www.p12.nysed.gov/specialed/formsnotices/procedural-safeguards-notice.htm
The Committee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE) includes:
1. Chairperson - district representative
2. Special education provider(s) of the child - or evaluator if it is an initial meeting
3. Regular education teacher of the child - if the child is attending a preschool program (HeadStart, etc..) and the teacher is available to attend
4. Parent(s) of the child
5. Others with knowledge or expertise may also be invited. Parents may invite anyone they wish to attend. Please let the office know, in order to include them on the invite list.
The purpose of CPSE is to determine if a child is a "preschooler with a disability" as outlined by New York State. Please go to this weblink to access the preschool brochure and further information: http://www.p12.nysed.gov/specialed/publications/preschool/brochure.htm
In order to qualify as a Preschooler With a Disability(PWD), the child:
"shall exhibit a significant delay or disability in one or more functional areas related to cognitive, language and communication, adaptive, socio-emotional or motor development which adversely affects the student's ability to learn. Such delay shall be documented by the results of the individual evaluation."
In order to qualify for special education services, a child must exhibit/demonstrate one of the following:
1. 12-month delay in one or more areas;
2. 33% delay in one area OR 25% delay in each of two areas;
Preschool services are provided on a continuum from a least restrictive to most restrictive environment. The Continuum of Preschool Special Education Programs and/or Services includes the following:
Related Services Only
Special Education Itinerant Teacher Only (SEIT)
Related Services and Special Education Itinerant Teacher
Half-Day Class
Full-Day Class
In-State Residential
A student who is identified as a Preschooler with a Disability and qualifies for services as outlined by the state of New York may receive one or more of the following services or programs.
Related Services (least restrictive): Speech Therapy (SP), Occupational Therapy (OT), Physical Therapy (PT), Teacher of the Visually Impaired (TVI), Teacher of the Deaf/Hearing Impaired (TOD), Audiologist..
Special Education Itinerant Teacher Only (SEIT): Direct individual and/or group instruction to preschoolers with disabilities by a certified special education teacher.
Related Services and Special Education Itinerant Teacher: The Special Education Itinerant Teacher (SEIT) services can be provided alone or in combination with one or more related services.
Half-Day Class: A child may require a comprehensive special education program to meet his/her Individual Education Program (IEP) goals. The child may require a more continuous multidisciplinary team approach that may include related services as well (for example, OT, PT, SP). The child's age, attention span and stamina are also considered.
Full-Day Class: The child has extensive needs, as described in annual goals/short-term objectives on the IEP, that require a comprehensive special education program. The child requires a greater degree of adult support, attention, direction and supervision than is typical in settings for children without disabilities in order to benefit from the instructional program.
In-State Residential (most restrictive): The child's needs are so extensive that a comprehensive special education program and related services are required at an intensity that will exceed a five-hour special education instructional day in order to meet his or her annual goals and short term objectives on his/her IEP
A child grows and develops. As parents, we do not always know what to expect. For more information on growth and development please visit the below websites.
There are free printable publications available to parents, teachers and community members on growth and development. Please visit the following websites:
Developmental Domains: http://www.superduperinc.com/handouts/pdf/358%20Developmental%20Domains.pdf
The Central Early Childhood Direction Center (ECDC) is a resource center for families and professional who are concerned about the growth and development of children from birth to five years of age. If you have questions, please contact them at https://www.rcil.com/ECDC?action=details¶m=early-childhood-direction-center-of-cent
Development of the Preschool Child
Below this section you will find a website link to developmental checklists for children birth to five years of age. The checklists were developed by the Early Childhood Direction Center. These checklists cover the following developmental areas:
1. Speech - articulation and sound development
2. Receptive language - understanding language
3. Expressive language - using words to make sentences
4. Fine motor skills - writing, cutting, using eating utensils, manipulating objects, etc.
5. Gross motor skills - running, jumping, skipping, etc.
6. Social/emotional skills - how well children get along with peers and adults
7. Sensory processing - the ability of our brains to receive information through our senses (touch, movement, body awareness, smell, taste, vision and hearing) and use this information to respond to the environment so we can feel comfortable and safe.