CCSD Business Office

There is a request for proposals currently active for Architectural and Engineering Services. Click here to learn more.

Our Team

Administrative Staff

Karen Jones
Assistant Superintendent for Business
Phone: 315-245-1024

Melissa Yager
Administrative Assistant To The Business Office
Phone: 315- 245-1024

Records Access

Records are available thru the District Office at 51 Third Street Camden New York, 13316
Record Access Officer – Jason P. Evangelist, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction (315)-245-2500
Records Retention Officer - Karen Jones, Assistant Superintendent for Business (315)245-1024.
A denial to receive records may be appealed to the Superintendent of Schools.

District-Wide Safety Plan

The board-approved safety plan is available here for the 2024-25 school year. You can also find it on our Safety Notices webpage.

Treasurer's Office

Robin Mitchell
District Treasurer
Phone: 315-245-4086


Ashley Montieth
Purchasing/FOC Grant Administrator/

Office Support
Phone: 315-356-1020

Accounts Payable

Anne Sochia
Accounts Payable
Phone: 315-245-4084

Reimbursement Forms

Vendor Claim Form
Mileage Reimbursement Packet - Includes Letter. Please read before submitting mileage claim.
Mileage Reimbursement Form - Without Letter.
Tutoring Time and Mileage Form

Part-Time Staff

Allyson Snow
Tax Collector

The Camden Central School District offers the following courtesy reminder about school tax payments. The last day that taxes will be collected without penalty is September 30th, 2024. All taxes not in the hands of the Tax Collector, OR postmarked by September 30th, 2024 will be charged a penalty. The penalty is 2% interest per bill during the month of October, or 3% for payments not received or officially postmarked by October 31st, 2024 for November payments.

How to pay before November 6th, 2024:

  • Pay online: An online payment service is available for your convenience at Once you look up your bill, an amount schedule is made available to you for you to understand the amount owed based on the timing of your payment.

  • By mail to PO Box 410, Camden, NY 13316. If mailing, please include the entire bill with your check or money order and do not remove the bottom tab. A stamped receipt will be mailed to you. 

  • In person at Community Bank located at 41 Harden Blvd in the Village of Camden.

Payment After November 6th, 2024:  

  • Must be made payable to the Oneida County Commissioner of Finance, and mailed to Oneida County Commissioner of Finance - 800 Park Avenue, Utica, NY 13501. Please include the appropriate 3% interest when rendering payment in this manner. This must be done by December 5th, 2024.

Please double check the amount you are sending. Insufficient payments will be returned to sender. If unsure of amount owed, please contact the Camden Central School District Tax Collector at 315-832-2759, by email at, or through the online payment platform at You are not required to pay online if using the system to look up your bill. 

About Claims Auditing
New York State Education Law requires a board to audit all claims before they are paid by the treasurer or appoint a claims auditor to assume the board’s powers and duties to examine and approve or disapprove claims. An effective claims audit process ensures that every claim against the district is subjected to an independent, thorough and deliberate review and that each claim contains adequate supporting documentation to determine whether the amounts claimed comply with statutory requirements and district policies and represent actual and necessary expenditures. 

Camden CSD Claims Audit Process August 2019

Comptroller Audit Review of Claims Process 2019

Items of Interest

Questar Annual Risk Assessment for Camden CSD 2023-24

Education Stabilization Fund Annual Reporting 2023

ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act) Transparency Report 2020-21

ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act) Transparency Report 2021-22

New York State Comptroller's Website Audit (2021)
In the interest of enhancing our financial transparency with the public, we will be using the above document for guidance to make significant enhancements to this portion of the website in the coming weeks.

2022-23 General Fund Revenue Budget Report (December 2022)

2022-23 General Fund Appropriation Status Report (December 2022)

Approved Financial Reserve Plan (November 2022)

Federal COVID Response Funding Update (September 2022)
An update on Federal COVID Rescue funding usage by the Camden Central School District, with reference to a previous presentation made to the Board of Education in November 2021. Public recommendations for the future utilization of this federal funding can be made via email to Karen Jones at

Five Year Capital Facilities Plan (Nov. 2021)

BOE Presentation on Federal COVID Response Funding (Nov. 2021)

Financial Reserve Plan (Nov. 2021)

2020 Capital Project Legal Notice

Five Year Capital Facilities Plan (Oct. 2020)

ARPA Grant Documents

NYS Comptroller's "Report Of Examination" and Corrective Action Plan

See Downloads

Safety Plan

Solar Production

Water Testing

The District completed the NYS required water testing for lead in their school building during 2021. 

Should you have any further questions, you may contact our District Wide Safety Coordinator, Karen Jones, at the District Office at 315-245-1024.

CES Water Testing Results 2021

MES Water Testing Results 2021

CMS Water Testing Results 2021

CHS Water Testing Results 2021

Complaint Procedures for Non-Public Schools
Complaints regarding equitable services for non-public schools should follow the procedures detailed at

ESSA Complaint Procedures
Please use the link below below to review the process for resolving complaints submitted to the New York State Education Department’s (NYSED) Office of ESSA-Funded Programs alleging that a local educational agency (LEA), grantee or NYSED has violated a law, rule, or regulation in the administration of any “covered Federal program” under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).