DASA Information

DASA Resources

Dignity for All Students

Per Camden Central School District Board of Education Policy 2070, No student shall be subjected to discrimination based on a person's actual or perceived race, color, weight, national origin, ethnic group, religion, religious practice, disability, sexual orientation, gender, (including gender identity or expression), or sex by another student or a school employee on school property or at a school function as described in the New York State Dignity for All Students Act (DASA). If you have a concern regarding harassment or bullying, please call the building to report it.

The Principal of each school building is designated as the District’s Primary Dignity Act Coordinator for that school building. The Board's action appointing an individual to the position of Principal shall constitute the Board's appointment of that person as a Dignity Act Coordinator. The Board may appoint additional Dignity Act Coordinators. The additional coordinators for the Camden Central School District are as follows:
Camden High School (315-245-3168)
Aaron Fiorini, Principal
Michelle Mellon
William Snyder

Camden Middle School (315-245-0080)
Brittany DerCola, Principal
Kimberly Tremblay

Camden Elementary (315-245-2616)
Craig Ferretti, Principal
Kelly Mirabelli
Michelle Williams
McConnellsville Elementary (315-245-3412)
Heidi Allen, Principal
Caitlin Haggerty

At the bottom of this page are additional resources on DASA.
