Misner with Phil Maitland

On Wednesday, June 5th, three Career and Technical Education students from the Camden Central School District were celebrated along with their internship mentors as Madison-Oneida BOCES presented its Career and Technical Education Signing Day Ceremony.

Signing Day is a special event that recognizes seniors who have received an immediate employment offer from the organization where they completed their senior internships. They present their mentors with a framed certificate and a small gift on behalf of Madison-Oneida BOCES.

The occasion also included some specially-wrapped commemorative candy bars. The label for those bars was designed by Camden senior Bailey Sharron, a student in the MOBOCES Graphic Design program.

Congratulations to the following students and their mentors on building a successful working relationship that will help our graduates hit the ground running in the workforce.

Isaiah Dow - Outdoor Power Equipment

Mentored by John Gerber, Camden Collision

Pictured with instructor David Orr

Bradley Reader - Culinary Arts

Mentored by Greg and Rachel Short, Shorty’s Deli

Christian Misner

Mentored by Mike Memery, NYE Automotive Group
Pictured with instructor Phil Maitland

Candy BarCandy BArDowReader