CAMDEN, NY - The achievements of the Class of 2022, and the generosity of the Camden community were on full display as Camden High School hosted its 2022 Class Night Ceremony on Wednesday, June 8th.
A full program of awards was presented to the Senior class, totaling thousands of dollars that can be used to cover the costs of higher education or career expenses.
A full list of the night’s awards, and their recipients, is below.
Class of 2022
Valedictorian: Madison Bird
Salutatorian: Hannah Dote
ACCESS Federal Credit Union Scholarship
Madison Smith
Adult “Seed-Of-Selflessness” Award
Kate Donaleski
Ann M. Harden Memorial Scholarship
Jacob Wojciechowski
Anna M. Archibee Memorial Award
Lane Mitchell
Hannah Dote
Anne M. Boncella Memorial Nursing Scholarship
Elizabeth Lucason
Arthur DeNigris Award
Jacob Wojciechowski
Arthur S. Moran American Legion #66 Auxiliary Award
Madison Smith
Dalton Scoville
Arts Hall of Fame Award
Cael Sullivan
Bart Hanifin Sports Award
Jadyn Prievo
Zane O'Hara
Brad M. Lovenguth Memorial Scholarship
Owen Vaucher
Broadway Bound Award
Lillyanna Whipple
Camden Alumni Association Scholarship
Nevaeh Christmas
Sydney Coleman
Hannah Dote
Sharlotte Jones
Jade Marsh
Jadyn Prievo
Madison Smith
Anna Tompkins
Camden Art Award
Jacob Wojciechowski
Camden Blue Devil Exceptional Senior Student-Athlete Award
Elizabeth Lucason
Zane O’Hara
Camden Corner Store Award
Brooke Christmas
Courtney Christmas
James Christmas
Maggie Plumley
Madison Smith
Anna Tompkins
Kara Woods
Camden Cross Country and Track Scholarship
Elizabeth Lucason
Dillan Melchiore
Reid Hooker
Camden Elementary Alumni Award
Reid Hooker
Madison Smith
Camden Fife and Drum Corps Scholarship
Hannah Dote
Camden Football Booster Club Award
James Christmas
Zane O’Hara
Camden Girls’ Soccer Booster Club Award
Gabriella Brown
Nevaeh Christmas
Camden Girls’ Tennis Award
Brianna O’Drain
Madison Smith
Anna Tompkins
Camden Knights of Columbus Scholarship
Dillan Melchiore
Camden Lions Club Scholarship
Lucy Domachowske
Camden Pop Warner Cheerleader Award
Lillyanna Whipple
Camden Pop Warner Football Award
James Christmas
Zane O’Hara
Camden Science Regents Award
Alfred Florsch
Camden St. Patrick's Day Parade Award
Courtney Christmas
Camden St. Patrick's Day Parade Recognition
William Carver
Elizabeth Lucason
Dillan Melchiore
Camden Teachers' Association Scholarship
Kassidy Gloude
Camden Volunteer Fire Department Memorial Scholarship
Dalton Scoville
Caroline P. Harvey and Mildred H. Magee Memorial Scholarship
Alexandrea Corcoran
William Carver
Zane O’Hara
Lillyanna Whipple
Charles W. Hurd Jr. Award for Outstanding Community Service and Volunteerism
Joseph Bielby
Derek Holmes
Charlotte B. Williams Nursing Award
Nevaeh Christmas
Elizabeth Lucason
Christopher M. Hawkes Memorial Scholarship Sponsored by the Camden Rod & Gun Club
Kaitlyn McEwen
CHS Athlete of the Year
Elizabeth Lucason
CHS Scholar Athlete Award
Madison Bird
Dillan Melchiore
Coady Wines Memorial Scholarship
James Christmas
College Bound Theatre Arts Award
Sharlotte Jones
Cael Sullivan
Lillyanna Whipple
Connor Arthur Lynskey Memorial Athletic/Character Award
Elizabeth Lucason
Criminal Justice Scholarship
Jadyn Prievo
Edward Sherman Jr.
CSEA Camden Unit 7768 - Union Award
Madison Smith
Anna Tompkins
CTA Determination Award
Emma Bolster
CTA Memorial Award
Sophia Riesterer
DAR Good Citizen Award
Morgan Zike
De Morgan Technology Award
Jeremy Skinner Jr.
Deputy Kurt B. Wyman Scholarship
Jadyn Prievo
Evelyn Lambert Memorial Nursing Award
Nevaeh Christmas
Florence Taylor Memorial Scholarship
Jacob Wojciechowski
Florence Taylor Memorial Scholarship
Madison Bird
Francis H. and Robert G. Lambert Memorial Music Award
Melody Wands
Frank J. Albrecht Memorial Scholarship
Kaili Rossman
Friends of Camden Central School Scholarship
Sharlotte Jones
Gordon W. Babcock Memorial Scholarship
Orrin MacMurray
Gordon W. Babcock Memorial Scholarship
Owen Vaucher
Harden Foundation Scholarship
Troy Campbell
Courtney Christmas
Lane Mitchell
Madison Smith
Rayna Tubbs
Howard F. Archibee Memorial Award
Courtney Christmas
Dalton Scoville
James Day Memorial Scholarship
Madison Bird
James H. Armstrong Memorial Award
Joseph Bielby
Jason Christopher Wilhelm Memorial Award
William Carver
Derek Holmes
Sharlotte Jones
Jean & Douglas Nessle Award
Reid Hooker
Jerry H. Baird Memorial Award
Elizabeth Lucason
John Philip Sousa Senior Band Award
William Carver
Joseph Reed Memorial Award
Reid Hooker
Madison Smith
Jovial Hayes Memorial Scholarship
Courtney Christmas
Dalton Scoville
Joyce Rodgers Spanish Achievement Award
Madison Bird
Justin R. Finn Memorial Award
Courtney Christmas
Maggie Plumley
Kristin Tebsherany Brown Award
Dillan Melchiore
Linda Flagg-VanPelt Memorial Scholarship
Kassidy Gloude
Lt. Victor Giles Post #6530 VFW Scholarship
Orrin MacMurray
Margery Radley Memorial Scholarship
Gabriela Castelluzzo
Sharlotte Jones
Marian Adams Memorial Award
Benjamin Scholl
Mary O. and Donald H. McDaniels Music Scholarship
Hannah Dote
Masonic Lodge Mathematics Award
Madison Bird
Hannah Dote
McConnellsville Elementary Alumni Award
Madison Bird
Travis Edgerton
Derek Holmes
Meeker - O'Rourke Post 1309 American Legion Award
Joseph Bielby
Morgan Zike
Mele Family Fund STEM/Humanities Scholarship
Dillan Melchiore
Michael D. Sowich Memorial Scholarship
Jade Marsh
Michael L. Hayes Scholarship
Courtney Christmas
Mike Nobis AYSO Award
Gabriella Brown
Mohawk Valley Counseling Association Scholarship
Benjamin Scholl
Mystic Stamp Company Scholarship
Jade Marsh
Brianna O'Drain
Nancy Comins Memorial Award
Paul Heller
Neil F. Harden BOCES Award
Clara Congden
NYS Scholarship for Academic Excellence
Madison Bird
Clara Congden
Hannah Dote
Reid Hooker
Dillan Melchiore
NYS STEM Incentive Program
Gabriella Brown
NYSCOPBA Scholarship
Derek Holmes
Madison Smith
Oneida County Volunteer Firemen's Association
Jade Marsh
Osceola Historical Society Award
James Christmas
Rayna Tubbs
Promising Playwright Award
Cael Sullivan
Richard Quinn Scholarship
Andrew Paul
Richard Sweeney Memorial Baseball/Softball Award
Derek Holmes
Sharlotte Jones
Dillan Melchiore
Zane O’Hara
Andrew Paul
Jadyn Prievo
Rome Bowling Hall of Fame Award
Maryssa Parker
Troy-Lee Thorn
Sally Kotwica DeNigris Award
Sophia Riesterer
Seed-Of-Selflessness Award
Derek Holmes
Senior Class Merit Award
Madison Bird
Gabriella Brown
Clara Congden
Hannah Dote
Derek Holmes
Reid Hooker
Dillan Melchiore
Brianna O’Drain
Casey Renwick
Madison Smith
Senior Concert Choir Award
Sophia Riesterer
Senior Orchestra Award
Hannah Dote
Sgt. Eli Parker "Freedom Isn't Free" Award
Conner Reed
Shelby Sobolowski Award
Kaili Rossman
Sons of the American Legion, Squadron #66, Scholarship
Anna Tompkins
South Shore Association Scholarship
Benjamin Scholl
Stanley D. Dixon Jr. Memorial Award
Andrew Paul
Stanwix Veterans' and Men's Club Scholarship
Dalton Scoville
Starfish Award in Memory of Melissa Stevens
Reid Hooker
Jade Marsh
Sylvan Beach American Legion Scholarship in Memory of Dick Davis
Anna Tompkins
TC Riders Snowmobile Club Award
Zane O'Hara
Thomas J. Hollibaugh Science Scholarship
Casey Renwick
Tyler Bangs Memorial Award
Emma Bolster
Tyler David LaPlante Memorial Award
Andrew Paul
Utica College Scholarship
Karli Archer
Kassidy Gloude
Varflex Educational Foundation Scholarship
Troy Campbell
Clara Congden
Hannah Dote
Sharlotte Jones
Andrew Paul
Kaili Rossman
Anna Tompkins
Rayna Tubbs
Melody Wands
Jacob Wojciechowski
Vincent Ouellette Memorial Award
Owen Vaucher
Walt DeLosh Jr. "You are Special" Memorial Award
Gabriela Castelluzzo
Sharlotte Jones
William J. Tiffany Memorial Scholarship sponsored by McConnellsville Volunteer Fire Department
Gabriella Brown
William J. Young Memorial Rotary Engineering Scholarship
Orrin MacMurray
Wind Beneath My Wings Award
Mia Barden
Breanna Holland
Zoe Scribner
Ethan Smith

CHS Hosts 2022 Class Night
June 15, 2022