Team building activities for our fifth graders are continuing on Wednesday! #MovinOnUp
Without a doubt, CMS is a much larger and more complex building than our Elementary Schools. To help our rising fifth graders understand their new home, the CMS "Movin On Up" orientation program is doing building tours, and a scavenger hunt on day two!
Some of the interior improvements at Camden Middle School are moving along! The area around the building's main entrance is being transformed with new office spaces for the CMS Social Workers, private meeting spaces, a new attendance office with secure entryway similar to what you may have already seen in our Elementary Schools, and a common workspace area for our teachers. We're looking forward to seeing it all in action very soon!
Need a back to school haircut for your child? Connected Community Schools can help! On Tuesday, August 27th, they will host an opportunity to get one in the Camden Middle School Gymnasium. Appointments are limited, so call one of the phone numbers in the flyer to get yours!
Join the Camden FOC, CFLR and Camden Connected Community Schools for a session of Let’s Talk About It! To learn about talking to your children about vaping and gearing up for school. You have two options to attend. Please see the flyer below.
Camden Elementary! We are less than a week away from Kindergarten Orientation! Kindergarten Orientation will be held on Monday, 8/26 beginning at 5:30 PM!
McConnellsville Elementary School will hold its Kindergarten Orientation on Tuesday, August 27th! Attached is a schedule for the evening from Principal Heidi Allen. Contact the McVille Main Office if you have any questions.
We only have a few days to start coming together as one fifth grade learning community at CMS. Some quick team games are a great way to get students working together, making friends, and building that united school community from two different elementary schools before they start their middle school journey!
A big part of the Middle School transition is getting your first locker, and in the CMS "Movin' On Up" Orientation program, time to find and practice opening your locker is a big part of the schedule on each day!
The Blue Devils are back. Preseason football camp opened yesterday with an intense practice. Mark those calendars and join us for the 2024 Home Opener on Friday, September 6th as the Varsity takes on Schuylerville out of Section II. 7 PM kick.
Connected Community Schools is hosting two parent information sessions about vaping and school year prep on Thursday, August 22nd, and Wednesday, August 28th. See the attached flyer for times, locations, and contact information.
Setting the tone with introductions and team-building activities. The CMS Movin On Up Orientation Program is off and running!
The CMS Class of 2028 has arrived for the 5th grade "Movin On Up" Orientation Program! Looking forward to two action-packed days! But first, breakfast!
The 2024-25 District-Wide Safety Plan, as approved by the Board of Education at its August meeting, is available here:
If you need to reference it throughout the year, head to and select the "Parents and Students" menu. It is located under the "School Safety" submenu.
Inside and out, the press box at the new varsity baseball field housed at Camden Middle School is beginning to take shape. We've been able to have some activity on the field this spring and summer, but this is where the project will really go to the next level with an operations level on the second floor, and the ability to run a concession stand adjacent to the stands on the first floor.
The field sports an artificial turf infield and natural grass outfield, and we will say from experience today that the outfield drainage is performing quite well with the substantial rain we've had in the past few days.
When the CMS greenhouse is up and running, we'll be growing a lot more than just plants. We'll have another avenue to grow young minds through our Agriculture and FFA programming. Whether they want to become a farmer, florist, or scientist, or want to pursue gardening as a hobby, this building will equip them with a professional grade laboratory to learn and apply the skills they'll need to make it happen. We are hopeful for it to be operational sometime this fall.
As you may know, CHS does not publish a comprehensive building supply list because of the diversity in student scheduling and class needs. To help students and families prepare for the first day of school, the CHS Mathematics and Science departments have released the following supply lists. Please note that these may be subject to change.
Contact the CHS Main Office with any questions.
If you haven't submitted permanent transportation changes to the registrar, today (8/19) is the deadline to do so for the first day of school. Reach out at to do so, or if you have questions!
The Camden Central School District is accepting Requests for Proposals (RFPs) from any agency willing to collaborate with its Universal Pre-Kindergarten Program. Interested agencies may pick up the RFP form at the District Office at 51 Third Street from Monday, August 19th, until Thursday, August 22nd, 2024. It may be picked up between the hours of 8:00 AM and 3:30 PM.
Contact Pre-K Coordinator Craig Ferretti at with any questions.
Connected Community Schools is holding Open HUB tonight from 4-6 in the CHS Hub!