2nd and 4th grade Art Highlights from our Brain Gain Institute program! It's hard to believe we're headed to the last day already, but we will credit that to how much fun we've been having!
5 months ago, Public Relations
2nd and 4th Grade Art Highlights
2nd and 4th Grade Art Highlights
2nd and 4th Grade Art Highlights
2nd and 4th Grade Art Highlights
2nd and 4th Grade Art Highlights
The contenders are ready for tomorrow's Brain Gain Institute Potato Olympics!
5 months ago, Public Relations
Potato Olympics
Potato Olympics
Mrs. Stauring's Kindergarten BootCampers finished up their Olympic Rings project with Miss Lis today! When they were done, they used their imaginations to go to the "art gallery" where they took time to admire each other's work!
5 months ago, Public Relations
Mrs. Stauring Art Class with Lis
Mrs. Stauring Art Class with Lis
Mrs. Stauring Art Class with Lis
Mrs. Stauring Art Class with Lis
Mrs. Stauring Art Class with Lis
Mrs. Stauring Art Class with Lis
Mrs. Stauring Art Class with Lis
Mrs. Stauring Art Class with Lis
Miss Sheftic's Kindergarten BootCamp students were making craft paper Olympic Torches this morning!!!!
5 months ago, Public Relations
Sheftic Class
Mrs. Cochran's Brain Gain Institute students have been busy today! They worked on their summer packets, and we caught up with them in the Library doing a word activity and coding with BeeBots later on! While we're at it, let's take a moment to formally welcome Chloe back into the family as part of our staff. She is a 2019 graduate of CHS, and will be teaching first grade this fall at CES! Welcome home!
5 months ago, Public Relations
Mrs. Cochran's Brain Gain Class
Mrs. Cochran's Brain Gain Class
Mrs. Cochran's Brain Gain Class
Mrs. Cochran's Brain Gain Class
Mrs. Cochran's Brain Gain Class
Mrs. Cochran's Brain Gain Class
Mrs. Cochran's Brain Gain Class
Mrs. Cochran's Brain Gain Class
Mrs. Cochran's Brain Gain Class
Mrs. Cochran's Brain Gain Class
Students in the Brain Gain Institute and Kindergarten Programs receive a free breakfast and lunch each program day as part of the Camden CSD Summer Nutrition Program supported by the USDA and the National School Lunch Program. The program provides free meals on specified days to all individuals age 18 and under. Your child does not have to be in a summer program to eat with us! Walk-in service is available at Camden Elementary School. The nutrition program runs on a Monday through Friday schedule. Meal times are 7:45 AM to 9:15 AM for breakfast, and 11:15 AM to 12:30 PM for lunch. Even with Brain Gain and Kindergarten BootCamp wrapping up this week, you can still come to CES to receive meals until Friday, August 16th. AUGUST BREAKFAST MENU: https://5il.co/2r9r5 AUGUST LUNCH MENU: https://5il.co/2r9r4
5 months ago, Public Relations
Kindergarten BootCamp/Brain Gain Lunch
Kindergarten BootCamp/Brain Gain Lunch
Kindergarten BootCamp/Brain Gain Lunch
Kindergarten BootCamp/Brain Gain Lunch
The Camden Central School District is seeking an energetic and engaging individual for the position of Science Teacher at Camden Middle School. This year, Camden Middle School was selected as a New York State/National Essential Elements School to Watch, and the successful candidate will be the latest addition to a dynamic team of student-focused educators. Candidate must hold a New York State Certification in General Science for grades 7-9, Biology for grades 7-12, or Earth Science for grades 7-12. Interstate agreements for qualifications of educational personnel will be honored. This is a 10 month instructional position. For consideration, apply on OLAS by Monday, August 12th. LINK: https://olasjobs.org/job-details/CAMN0315769-5020 The Camden Central School District is an equal opportunity employer.
5 months ago, Public Relations
Science Teacher
Miss Leone’s and Ms. James’ class in Kindergarten BootCamp made the Olympic torch using water, oil, and food coloring! Both classes enjoyed watching the water and oil separate as well as shaking it to mix them back together! They love science!
5 months ago, Public Relations
Leone BootCamp
Mrs. Kuc, Mrs. Cochran and Miss Mulvaney's classes held an incredible lesson about states of matter! The white stuff you see here is called “Oobleck”, and is named after a substance found in the Dr. Seuss book “Bartholomew and the Oobleck.” Oobleck is quite an amazing substance. It is made from either a cornstarch and water recipe, or a recipe that combines water, nontoxic school glue, and a small amount of the mineral-based cleaning product Borax. The ingredients combine to create what is known as a Non-Newtonian Fluid. A Non-Newtonian Fluid is a fluid that circumvents Newton’s law of viscosity. The consistency of the fluid changes based on the stress applied to it. Under pressure, the Oobleck will behave like a solid. Without outside pressure, it will become more liquid and start to take the shape of its surroundings. As an added bonus, you can carefully blow bubbles through a straw with it! Fun Fact: You may have a non-newtonian fluid in your refrigerator right now! The viscosity of tomato ketchup actually changes when it is shaken, which is why it comes out of the bottle much more easily after you do that. If you want to continue the fun at home, or do this with your child, it’s easy to do so. There are many recipes and ideas out there online.
5 months ago, Public Relations
Kuc Oobleck
Kuc Oobleck
Kuc Oobleck
Kuc Oobleck
Kuc Oobleck
Kuc Oobleck
Kuc Oobleck
Kuc Oobleck
Camden's agriculture program and FFA chapter just received a $3,000 grant for the "Lettuce Support Our Community" project! The grant was ENTIRELY written by Camden Middle school Greenhouse Management students and FFA members. The goal of the grant is to provide fresh lettuce to the Camden CSD HUB! More to come on this exciting new project!
5 months ago, Public Relations
The CES Playground will be alive with the sound of music.... namely, drums and maracas! Come make one today with Connected Community Schools!
5 months ago, Public Relations
Make Your Own Instrument
A new week means more opportunities to make magic happen in our Kindergarten BootCamp and Brain Gain Institute programs!
5 months ago, Public Relations
Kindergarten BootCamp/Brain Gain Program - Week 2
Kindergarten BootCamp/Brain Gain Program - Week 2
Kindergarten BootCamp/Brain Gain Program - Week 2
Kindergarten BootCamp/Brain Gain Program - Week 2
Kindergarten BootCamp students started off Week 2 with some hands-on activities in the library! Students got to use their imagination on some Olympic Event models made out of Legos, and performed a basic directional coding activity on specially designed rugs using BeeBots!
5 months ago, Public Relations
Kindergarten BootCamp
Kindergarten BootCamp
Kindergarten BootCamp
Kindergarten BootCamp
Kindergarten BootCamp
Kindergarten BootCamp
The Camden Central School District is seeking an energetic and engaging individual for the position of Science Teacher at Camden Middle School. This year, Camden Middle School was selected as a New York State/National Essential Elements School to Watch, and the successful candidate will be the latest addition to a dynamic team of student-focused educators. Candidate must hold a New York State Certification in General Science for grades 7-9, Biology for grades 7-12, or Earth Science for grades 7-12. Interstate agreements for qualifications of educational personnel will be honored. This is a 10 month instructional position. For consideration, apply on OLAS by Monday, August 12th. LINK: https://olasjobs.org/job-details/CAMN0315769-5020 The Camden Central School District is an equal opportunity employer.
5 months ago, Public Relations
Science Teacher
See below for an informational flyer on the New York Summer EBT program. This state-run program provides families with $120 per eligible child to help with nutritional needs. If a child has received SNAP, Temporary Assistance, or Medicaid during the prior school year, or has been determined eligible for free/reduced price meals through the application process with the National School Lunch Program, they are determined to be automatically eligible and no further action is required. If you are not deemed “Automatically Eligible”, you may still qualify, but must apply for the opportunity to receive benefits. Please note that the Camden Central School District offering free meals to all students through the Community Eligibility Provision does not guarantee a student’s eligibility for this program, and you will need to apply and meet the income eligibility requirements if not already covered under Automatic Eligibility. Per the NYS Office of Temporary and Disability assistance, “Attending a school that offers free meals to all students through the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP), is not enough to qualify your child for Summer EBT. Only children who are automatically eligible or eligible though an application can receive Summer EBT food benefits.” For questions or more information, visit otda.ny.gov/summerebt, or call the state’s Summer EBT Customer Service Call Center at 1-833-452-0096. Automated information is available 24/7 from that phone number, while agent support is available from 8:30 a.m. to 8 p.m., Monday through Friday, and on Saturday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
5 months ago, Public Relations
Summer EBT Food Benefits
On Tuesday, Connected Community Schools invites students and families to make their own musical instruments at the CES Playground! This event runs from 1-2 PM, making it a great stop after Brain Gain Institute and Kindergarten BootCamp! See the flyer for more information, and for contact information for questions about this event.
5 months ago, Public Relations
Make Your Own Instrument
If you're new to the District, or haven't registered your child for school yet, there is still time! Act quickly to ensure the smoothest possible start to the school year. K-12 registration is handled year-round on a rolling basis, and we still have some openings in our Universal Pre-K program as well! Contact the registrar's office at 315-245-4096, or visit https://www.camdenschools.org/page/registration for details!
5 months ago, Public Relations
Registration for Modified Fall Sports has started for the 2024 season! Register Here: https://students.arbitersports.com/organizations/camden-central-schools-athletics As always, you can also use that link to sign up for JV and Varsity sports. Contact Athletic Director Josh Mazzaferro with any questions.
5 months ago, Public Relations
Modified Fall Sports
Attached is information regarding the NYS Child Care Assistance program from the Child Care Council of Cornell Cooperative Extension. If you need more information, reach out to CCE through the points of contact provided in the flyer.
5 months ago, Public Relations
NYS Child Care Assistance Program
Child Care Assistance Program
Week one highlights from Miss Lis and her art classes with Brain Gain Institute and Kindergarten BootCamp!
5 months ago, Public Relations
Brain Gain Art
Brain Gain Art